This story isn't geek-related, but it might be very useful for some.
I've smoked cigarettes for over ten years, since I was a young teenager. I bought my first pack along with a friend from a vending machine. I was a bit of a troublemaker back then, so anything illegal naturally seemed cool and something I wanted to try. What kept me smoking was that over the course of high school, most of my friends also smoked.
I've since then become very addicted to cigarettes, and have tried quitting multiple times. Every time I tried it was cold turkey, except once I tried some discount brand patches. I made it two weeks once due to being sick, but I always picked back up the habit. It was something that had become ingrained into my lifestyle, I felt like I was never going to quit smoking.
Earlier this year I started thinking about quitting smoking again. I had lost my job and my finances were in trouble. I started reading online at on how to better my chances at actually quitting smoking. It helped me plan things out, and through it I decided to use a stop smoking aid product. I previously tried patches, so I settled on using Nicorette gum.
On my birthday, July 3rd 2012 at 11:59, I had my last cigarette. The first few days weren't easy, but it was a lot easier than previous attempts. I used the gum as directed, and kept busy at all times. I followed the advice on the website, and eventually days turned into weeks. Things got easier over time, and I stopped using the gum one day. No relapses have occurred since then.
Since then I've pretty much forgotten that I even used to be a smoker, it's as if it was never a part of my life. When I see people smoking, I don't suddenly have an urge to light up. I thought I'd always have cravings, but they are a thing of the past. I felt that I should share this with others, I thought perhaps it might help smokers who have been thinking of quitting.
Anyways, for those thinking of quitting, you can do it! It gets much better after just a bit of time. It is worth it, as smoking takes a huge toll on your health and on your wallet. There is help in the form of gum, patches, etc. Keep trying different things if one way doesn't work. Also be sure to check out for help quitting smoking. Thank you for reading!