Friday, January 4, 2013

Chivalry - First Impressions

Chivalry is a new game made by Torn Banner Studios. It's an FPS game that takes place in medieval times, as such players use melee weapons instead of guns. While that alone is something that sets it apart from most other shooters, its combat is where things really start to get interesting. There are several types of attacks you can perform, such as overhead chops or stabs. You can also block a players attack if your timing is right. It is all very skill based, meaning it takes time to master and good reflexes help.

It's better to watch a video or play the game yourself to get a better understanding of how fun the combat and gameplay is. Chivalry offers several types of pvp, such as arena deathmatch, or team based objectives. There are four classes, Archer, Man At Arms, Vanguard, and Knight, each have their own play styles and weapons. As you further play a class, you can unlock even more weapons for them use. These weapons you can unlock seem to be sidegrades, each having different pro's and con's.

As mentioned in the title, I am still new to the game. I purchased it during one of the steam sales and had been putting off playing it. I finally started playing it this past week. First thing I did was use the handy tutorial that came with the game, then rushed to a game. It was a team objective type game, meaning two teams with an objective such as pushing a cart. Somehow I feel as if I've done this before somewhere.

I didn't fare too well of course, as to be expected of a noob. I didn't have the timing down for blocking attacks, and I only managed to get a few lucky kills. After getting thoroughly owned for a good while, I decided to hit the showers. While the gameplay was certainly interesting, there was a bit of a rough start. Then a few days later some steam buddies wanted to play the game, and we hopped onto an arena server.

I tell you I laughed so much I couldn't count the times I almost peed my pants. Afterwards not only did I learn some pretty decent fighting skills, but also had unlocked several weapons for the knight class. So I guess the moral of the story is to hang in there, and bring your friends if possible. Thank you, and I hope to be dismembering you in the game soon!

[All video and pictures courtesy of]