Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Insert Topic Here
I guess all of us need a break now and then from the norm. I've a good book I could read, perhaps I could..gasp...go outside...naaaah.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Blue Plz!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Why I WoW
Sure, it's fun (sometimes) but it often seems like a frustrating second job. When starting a char you have to go through eighty levels, which takes far too long even with questing. I can barely stand it with RAF, having to go kill boars over and over again. Repetition is not something I am into. Then once you do reach 80, it's just another grind all over again for gear.
I guess what appeals to my nature, is being able to create characters. I have a fascination with playing a character. You can act out through this little avatar, give him a name and a history and act as if you were them. Though I mainly play one character, I have several other characters and more I want to make just because playing as them seems appealing. All these characters have their own personality, and lure to play them and be in the world with them.
If that didn't scare you off, there is another reason or two. The second one being competition. I love player vs player, and WoW is a fully fleshed out world to pvp in. Though to me it seems that it is horribly imbalanced in many aspects *cough*DK's*cough* that I'll blog about later. It is still skill based somewhat, and I find the fast paced think or die pvp situations are fun. I mostly like battlegrounds, where its not always people looking directly at you to kill, and Wintergrasp.
The last aspect is the progression of character. You fight a boss, wipe a few times, finally kill it, and get an upgrade. I don't raid too often, but I find it fun sometimes. Progression feels good, I can confirm that as I got better at Starcraft. Though lately I have lost interest in raiding, I feel the raiding for epics so we can raid for better epics is kind of redundant.
So all of this I could still find in any other MMO. Why WoW inparticular? I don't know. Honestly I prefer D&D type worlds, but this world has it's own unique flair. I guess because it is a fairly decent game, casual friendly, and well fun (sometimes). In short, there really isn't anything better.
Once there comes D&D Forgotten Kingdoms Online, I am so leaving WoW though.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Survey Says!
Apparently some Death Knight *cough*dieinafire*cough* is conducting a survey of some sorts. Since I need all the free publicity I can get, I figured I'd fill it out.
What is the name, class, and spec of your primary dps?
Tiberan, Blood Elf Mage, Arcane.
What is your primary dpsing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans)
40% battlegrounds, 30% raiding, 10% arena, 10% ganking lowbies. The final 10% I slack off.
What is your favorite dps spell/ability for your class and why?
The one that kills you. Oh wait, you're a Death Knight, silly me. :p I guess Arcane Barrage, it's so pretty but it's hardly ever used post nerf.
What dps spell do you use least for your class and why?
I just answered that question. Arcane Barrage, and because it was nerfed. No one uses it when standing still unless they want to lose dps.
What do you feel is the biggest strength of your dps class and why?
The biggest strength is that if someone lets me stand still for ten seconds they are dead.
What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your dps class and why?
Who the hell lets you stand still for ten seconds in pvp?
In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best dps assignment for you?
I do my best when given the ability to concentrate on one target and just pump out dps, so the boss or highest hp target?
What dps class do you enjoy dpsing with most and why?
Er, my Mage. Why else would I play one? Though shadow priests and balance druids come close.
What tanking class do you enjoy dpsing with least and why?
What tanking class do I enjoy dpsing WITH? I guess Paladin, we share a blue bar bond.
What is your worst habit as a dps?
What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while dpsing?
Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other dps?
I should kill DK's with naught but a glance.
What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a damage dealer?
I look at the pretty colors I am radiating for a gauge of my awesome meter.
What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your class?
That I will give them a portal. Sorry, but you need to be this intelligent to ride my ports.
What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new dpsers of your class to learn?
Running from DK's?
What dps class do you feel you understand least?
Warriors. They should all just man up and put on a sword n board.
What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in dps?
I use an arcane power/icy veins/trinket macro, also known as my PWN button. I also use a Blizzard/Flamestrike macro, Fireward/Frostward macro, conjuring/using food macro, conjuring/using mana gem macro, polymorph macro. I use no addons except DBM.
Strength over other stats or balanced stat allocation, and why?
Idk my bff jill haste?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Night Elf Mages Revisited
Once I unwrap my shiny new expansion game box, install it, and log in, in the character creation section in the Night Elf race will be the new Mage option. The thing is this. When you make this character, pick out it's looks, name, and enter the world, what are you? Are you a fledgling mage, newly learned of the practice previously forbidden by your peers? Or a Highborne?
Technically, we would have to look at what makes a Highborne. By my knowledge, Highborn is one who practices arcane magic, that is a Night Elf. Now most Highborne had certain traits, such as lightened skin and hair, from their exposure to magic. Is that really a requirement though, to be physically altered to be considered Highborne. Certainly Illidan knew magic but has dark skin and hair.
So perhaps even if you are new to using arcane magic, you can still consider yourself Highborne. However, you could also potentially claim to be originally a Highborne, one of the ones that were not killed. Though there are few of them left, you could potentially still roleplay to be one. You'd have to be quite old though, and powerful. Or, you could just be relearning your ancient heritage.
It will be an interesting time. Let's cut to the point of being a Night Elf Mage from a PvP aspect though. Playing a Night Elf Druid right now I know how useful Shadowmeld can be, even if I can stealth in cat form. Having an instant vanish is quite nice. While Mages have invisibility, unless you spec for it, it is not instant. As well it can come in handy while leveling before you get invis.
If you have warlock/hunter pets on you, a quick Shadowmeld gets them off you. As well, it can be used to confuse dumb opponents, lose LoS, interupt casting on you, and multiple other uses. Quickness, Elusiveness, Wisp Spirit..are all alright but Shadowmeld is the real winner. There are only two downsides to Night Elf Mages. Their on the alliance side, and their males are fugly.
That's it for tonight, later on I may cover the other races further.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
New Mage Race Options
Orc: You're kidding, right? Who the hell would try to teach orcs the arcane arts, and how could these green creatures learn it? I know I certainly don't want them stinking up the Mage hangouts. From a lore perspective, it does not make much sense to me. Most of them are incredibly dumb, and orcs that want to use magic either have to bow down to elemental spirits, or make pacts with demons. Arcane tree should be greyed out for them.
Dwarves: They are slightly more intelligent than orcs, but not by much. Also dwarves, similar to orcs, are mostly a warrior society that fears and distrusts arcane magic. At least lorewise, they would typically not become Mages, those that did would be kicked out of Ironforge. Also they are typically too drunk to cast advanced spells, since their version of conjured water is conjure beer.
Night Elves: Well, well, well...(of eternity). Look who's coming back to arcane magic, groveling on their hands and knees? Oh no, magic is bad and we must swear it off and hug trees instead. Ha! I knew it would only be a matter of time before the race realized what it was missing. Lorewise, they did swear it off as a race, but they are the original mages, well..the highborne are. Out of all three new mage races, this one makes the most sense. I may play one as an rp character.
Then there are the two new races, Goblin and Worgen.
Goblin: Magic along with technology seems to be a natural selection for goblins. It is a source of power, something to be wielded as a gun or a tool to them. I'm not too fond of goblins, they are short and green and ugly, but I plan to make one purely as a banker alt with rocket boots!
Worgen: They don't get to be mages, and I am fine with that. Arcane power isn't something to be handed out to everyone like candy on haloween. I may level one, for the coolness factor of the worgen form, their starting city, etc. After that, I will stop as I hate the alliance so much.