Thursday, December 12, 2013

The universe.

I'm absolutely fascinated by the universe.

Here we are, humans, every day learning more and more about this place. It's incredible that we can know that we exist on a planet that is circling around in a solar system. That other solar systems exist, even other galaxies. Science every day seems to be uncovering something magnificent about this place. Yet even more questions remain. Why are we here? Why does the universe exist? Does other life out there exist?

We are like children left to ourselves in a giant building. We could dedicate our entire existence to working together to uncover all there is to know. Instead we are fight amongst eachother and are being selfish, just like children. If we decided to all work as a team, team humanity, we could achieve so much. Instead we steal from eachother, kill eachother, and care only about self rather than the group. We come from animals, but we are no longer animals. We must fight what animalistic tendencies we still have, and embrace what makes us humans. Embrace what separates us from the animals we once were.

Altruism. Love.

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